Broadway Comedy Club owner’s response to Sarah Silverman’s wage gap accusations
Broadway Comedy Club owner’s response to Sarah Silverman’s wage gap accusations. This is in response to this Sarah Silverman video:
Sarah Silverman
Actress and comedian Sarah Silverman is just the latest to share her own (symbolic) experience of being paid less than a male counterpart at the New York Comedy Club. "I didn't need the $ 60 but it's pretty sh***y," said Silverman, who said it happened …
Sarah Silverman: Women get paid less and it's 'sh***y'
Actress and comedian Sarah Silverman is just the latest to share her own (symbolic) experience of being paid less than a male counterpart at the New York Comedy Club. "I didn't need the $ 60 but it's pretty sh***y," said Silverman, who said it happened …
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