Bill Cosby on Jimmy Fallon – August 19th 2014 – Full Interview
Bill Cosby on Jimmy Fallon – August 19th 2014 – Full Interview.
Bill Cosby on the News:
MOUNT PLEASANT, MI – Early 1 recent morning, Bill Cosby was on the line, even though he wasn't about to admit it. "No, this isn't Mr. Cosby. Get out of here," he snarled, following it with the acquainted chuckle that's warmed generations of followers. And as his …
Bill Cosby heads to Mount Pleasant and says he's 'far from finished'
MOUNT PLEASANT, MI – Early one recent morning, Bill Cosby was on the line, though he wasn't about to admit it. "No, this isn't Mr. Cosby. Get out of here," he snarled, following it with the familiar chuckle that's warmed generations of fans. And as his …
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