Aubrey Plaza does Sarah Silverman
Me doing my Sarah Silverman impression at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York City IN PREPARATION FOR MY SNL AUDITION last year. I LIKE SARAH. I…
sarah Silverman funny
Kimmel and Silverman were once titled as the “Funniest Couple Alive” by People. The couple dated for five years, broke up, got back together, and then broke up again. As a joke, Silverman returned to Kimmel's show as a guest in 2013, bringing him his …
Sarah Silverman, 'Saturday Night Live' Host: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Kimmel and Silverman were once titled as the “Funniest Couple Alive” by People. The couple dated for five years, broke up, got back together, and then broke up again. As a joke, Silverman returned to Kimmel's show as a guest in 2013, bringing him his …