Laugh Lessons with Sarah Silverman
Ellen showed a clip of the brilliant Sarah Silverman and her run-in with some kids on the series “Laugh Lessons.”
Sarah Silverman
The five nominees this year: Weird Al Yankovic's Mandatory Fun, Jim Gaffigan's Obsessed, Louis C.K.'s Oh My God, Patton Oswalt's Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time, and Sarah Silverman's We Are Miracles. Dear god, don't make us choose! While only one …
Weird Al, Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt, Jim Gaffigan Are All Grammy Nominees
The five nominees this year: Weird Al Yankovic's Mandatory Fun, Jim Gaffigan's Obsessed, Louis C.K.'s Oh My God, Patton Oswalt's Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time, and Sarah Silverman's We Are Miracles. Dear god, don't make us choose! While only one …
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