An Evening with Bill Cosby – 2-15-2011 – Part 6 of
On Feb. 15th 2011, the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens held An Evening with Bill Cosby. It was an fantastic event and an honor to get to spend time with an icon of television and comedy. I apologize for this being on an iPhone, but filming was a last minute decision. We doubted we would be allowed to even snap photos, but the event was very casual and many were filming and taking pictures. This is probably 99%+ of the evening. If you’re able to get to Astoria, Queens I highly recommend checking out the Museum of the Moving Image. Especially if you’re a fan of television and film. NOTE: At 7:14, when Bill Cosby is talking about the people he was able to get to appear on The Cosby Show there’s a little missing bit. There’s really only seconds missing. If he mentioned a name, I don’t remember who it was.