Melissa=New Dane Cook?

Melissa and I baked cookies, and had to make this quick video in loving respect of our favorite comdeian, Dane Cook. We love you!

Dane Cook in the News:

The Liberty Flames mascot Sparky christened their new park in February 2013 in the best possible way. Stumbling off that railing is 10 times more memorable …. of little chicks how to casually pee on an umpire? That's like comparing Dane Cook to Bill …
The 25 Funniest Mascot Videos in Sports
The Liberty Flames mascot Sparky christened their new park in February 2013 in the best possible way. Stumbling off that railing is 10 times more memorable …. of little chicks how to casually pee on an umpire? That's like comparing Dane Cook to Bill …
Read more on Bleacher Report


Dane Cook On twitter: