SceneBoy By: Aerodrone!

Music video depicting a day in the life of a scene kid to Aerodrone’s SceneBoy please rate and/or comment. A Corbin Bowen Production. x japan yeah zohan korn…

Latest News of George Carlin:

The song was equally influenced by the comedy and philosophies of George Carlin, and his rants about euphemistic language. And," he added, referring to the song's sound, "I listen to Chuck Berry periodically." Klyma, 43, started playing guitar at 13 …
Sounds Around Town: Rule Americana
The song was equally influenced by the comedy and philosophies of George Carlin, and his rants about euphemistic language. And," he added, referring to the song's sound, "I listen to Chuck Berry periodically." Klyma, 43, started playing guitar at 13 …
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