What’s Your Favourite George Carlin comedy piece? VOTE NOW!!

Cast your votes in the comments below before May 31st. Rules: The pieces can only be from: A comedy album An HBO Special A comedy book All votes have to be i…

Latest News of George Carlin:

One can be dispassionate about stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies, but a house is also a home. It's where you live, raise your family, celebrate milestones, and sometimes die. And, as the late comedian George Carlin once explained, it's where …
Harvey Enchin: Housing market needs more relevant data
One can be dispassionate about stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies, but a house is also a home. It's where you live, raise your family, celebrate milestones, and sometimes die. And, as the late comedian George Carlin once explained, it's where …
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