George Carlin Ebonics Lesson
George Carlin Being in a comaby atomini 48918 views · 108. Watch Later george carlin describes rush limbaughby bd189 886761 views · Thumbnail 13 videos Thumbnail Play all George Carlin Videosby rooneyhimself · 434. Watch Later George Carlin Euphemisms77by galnegunnartv 7936 views; George Carlin 7809 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe; 430. Watch Later George Carlin prideby lovekillracists 209724 views; 808. Watch Later George Carlin Euphemistic Languageby usa4july1776 …
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What I would like to see is software built into operating systems that can detect if you are going to a bogus website and blocks it as soon as you hit search and prevents you from going there. Also software that can automatically detect porn on images …
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What I would like to see is software built into operating systems that can detect if you are going to a bogus website and blocks it as soon as you hit search and prevents you from going there. Also software that can automatically detect porn on images …
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