George Carlin on Death – RIP
I saw this bit the first time it was performed live; it might give us a bit of insight on how to treat his death. Please watch this video too:…
George Carlin in the News:
Any HBO show can drop an F-bomb. For a primetime comedy or drama on a major network, however, that obscenity is still considered off-limits. More than 40 years since George Carlin's famous "Seven Dirty Words" monologue, broadcast TV stations remain …
What the Bleep: 10 Memorable Moments in Sitcom Swearing
Any HBO show can drop an F-bomb. For a primetime comedy or drama on a major network, however, that obscenity is still considered off-limits. More than 40 years since George Carlin's famous "Seven Dirty Words" monologue, broadcast TV stations remain …