George Carlin When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops 04 of 10
Get more hilarious George Carlin comedy works here: Enjoy this humorous track from the comedy audio book “When Will Jesus Bring The Pork…
George Carlin in the News:
After a 20 year absence from the stand-up circuit, distracted by writing books, directing movies, and continued acting roles, most recently in the Academy Award nominated movie, Whiplash, Reiser is back. He's cracking wise with spirited monologues …
Paul Reiser on Why He Ended Up a Comedian and Not a Musician
After a 20 year absence from the stand-up circuit, distracted by writing books, directing movies, and continued acting roles, most recently in the Academy Award nominated movie, Whiplash, Reiser is back. He's cracking wise with spirited monologues …
Read more on New Times Broward-Palm Beach (blog)