George Carlin When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops 07 of 10
Get more hilarious George Carlin comedy works here: Enjoy this humorous track from the comedy audio book “When Will Jesus Bring The Pork…
George Carlin in the News:
It was George Carlin who once said, "I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately." Gottfried knows that quote verbatim and he lives it. It would be one thing if he were the President of the United …
Comedy show preview: Gottfried's bold jokes earn him respect of colleagues
It was George Carlin who once said, "I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately." Gottfried knows that quote verbatim and he lives it. It would be one thing if he were the President of the United …
Read more on Reno Gazette Journal
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