100 Seinfeld quotes [Episode 1]
A frenetic mashup of many, many random clips from the legendary show about ‘nothing’. UPDATE 24-Feb-2011: Wayne Snell (Weezle56) has come forward as the author of the audio portion of this video! I’ve always wondered who did the wonderful job of putting all the quotes together (found in an MP3 on Napster) so many years ago, and now the mystery is solved. Enjoy! SEINTOLOGY Audio compiled by youtube.com Video compiled by youtube.com Music: “Time is Tight” by Booker T & The MG’s Jerry: Hello! Jerry: So we go into NBC, we tell them we’ve got an idea for a show about nothing. George: Exactly. Jerry: They say “What’s your show about?” I say “Nothing”. George: There you go. Jerry: I think you may have something here. Kramer: Who wants to have some fun? Jerry: Well let’s start the insanity. Kramer: Giddy-up. George: Vandelay! Vandelay! Vandelay! Elaine: Shut up. George: Vandelay! Vandelay! Vandelay! Kramer: Wet and wild. George: Vandelay! Vandelay! Vandelay! Jerry: Delores! George: The sea was angry that day my friends… Jerry: …super-terrific carpal-tunnel syndrome. Elaine: Stella! George: I’m sorry, the card says “Moops”. Elaine: A bird ran into my giant freak-head. Jerry: I got jiggy with it! Kramer: I broke the covenant of the keys. Elaine: I’m speechless! I am without speech. Kramer: Oh, I got the ball. Jerry: THAT is one magic loogey. George: The surprise blindfold greeting. That wasn’t in the manual. Kramer: A coffee-table book on coffee tables. Jerry: Hello, Newman …