Learn English with Ricky Gervais (sous-titres français)
Sous-titres créés par mes soins. Désolé pour la qualité de l’image, j’ai pas pu faire mieux. Enjoy 😉
Latest news about Ricky Gervais:
 Four years ago, in 2010, Colbert and Stewart hosted the Rally to Restore Sanity, which attracted 250,000 to the Washington Mall. But where rightwing radio jocks would be likely to use a stage for political grassroots action, the two TV hosts passed …
How John Oliver started a political satire revolution
Four years ago, in 2010, Colbert and Stewart hosted the Rally to Restore Sanity, which attracted 250,000 to the Washington Mall. But where rightwing radio jocks would be likely to use a stage for political grassroots action, the two TV hosts passed …
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