Ricky Gervais with Elmo and Warwick Davis
Life’s Too Short info: https://www.pilkipedia.co.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Life%27s_Too_Short_FAQ Ricky introduces his furry little friend to Elmo.
RICKY GERAVIS in the News:
Richard Linklater, whose Boyhood won big at Bafta, missed the ceremony to be at the Director's Guild of America award ceremony. Why? Well, it's traditionally an eerily accurate soothsayer for the Oscars – over 66 years, just seven best director Oscar …
Baftas 2015: 10 things we learned
Richard Linklater, whose Boyhood won big at Bafta, missed the ceremony to be at the Director's Guild of America award ceremony. Why? Well, it's traditionally an eerily accurate soothsayer for the Oscars – over 66 years, just seven best director Oscar …
Read more on The Guardian (blog)