Trust Us With Your Life – Episode 4: Ricky Gervais – Part 1
Part 1 of the fourth episode of TUWYL featuring celebrity guest Ricky Gervais. And to the many people asking why Ryan Stiles isn’t in it, this series was filmed in England in October last…
RICKY GERAVIS in the News:
Wherever Ricky Gervais goes, howls of outrage follow. Before it even aired, his new U.K. show, Derek, in which he plays a sweet, mentally challenged autograph hound named Derek Noakes, earned him criticism for “lazy cruelty,” among other perceived …
What's Ricky Gervais's problem?
Wherever Ricky Gervais goes, howls of outrage follow. Before it even aired, his new U.K. show, Derek, in which he plays a sweet, mentally challenged autograph hound named Derek Noakes, earned him criticism for “lazy cruelty,” among other perceived …
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