George Carlin (Majestic Theater 12/5/02)

George Denis Patrick Carlin (May 12, 1937 — June 22, 2008) was an American stand-up comedian, social critic, satirist, actor and writer/author, who won five Grammy Awards for his comedy albums. RIP Carlin.

Latest News of George Carlin:

If you sat in some smoky club watching George Carlin rant about the jerks who run the country, it was cathartic precisely because of the implied inability of the fevered but clearly impotent monologuist to change anything, or land any kind of …
When jokes go too far
If you sat in some smoky club watching George Carlin rant about the jerks who run the country, it was cathartic precisely because of the implied inability of the fevered but clearly impotent monologuist to change anything, or land any kind of …
Read more on Chicago Tribune


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